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The Blue Bathtub Story

"I wish I could l tell you that the bathtub was the antique footed variety but the true blue bathtub is made from molded plastic."

Blue Bathtub Press started in approx 2012. It started when the tub was found in what is known as inorganic (or hard rubbish) on the side of the road here in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). I wish I could l tell you that the bathtub was the antique footed variety but the true blue bathtub is a made from molded plastic.


The tub became the heart of the press as it was part of the first equipment I acquired to be a screen wash out. 


Blue Bathtub has grown since then to have a vacuum exposing unit, a large etching press, letterpress and book arts equipment. This has been a labour of love getting this studio to being where it is today and everyone who has helped me source, acquire or even make equipment for Blue Bathtub deserve a giant ‘Thank You’. 

Blue Bathtub In situ photo .jpeg
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